

In the beginning, this show feels like yet another glorified showcase of how screwed up Generation Z is. Same old collage of immature mistakes, but this time on drugs, literally and metaphorically. But it transforms into a rather nuanced take on the usual archetypes. The popular jock, the fat girl in a group of dolls, the dropout who has become a drug dealer, and so on and so forth. The makers dive deeper into these personalities, and chart their journeys from childhood to teenage. This accommodation of back stories works very well in humanising these stereotypes.

Euphoria does hinge on an impactful performance from Zendaya. She’s definitely the most intriguing thing about the show. Most of these characters come off as ticking time bombs, and she reigns over all of them with her fluctuating energy. A major part of her job job is to keep us on our toes regarding her addiction, and she does that well, complemented by good writing around her character.

I also liked how the show develops its own trippy and engaging aesthetic for portraying mental health issues. It also vades through really dark waters while depicting violence and drug abuse, promptly foreshadowed with a trigger warning at the beginning of every episode. I’d recommend you to take it very seriously, for they mean it when they say “disturbing”.


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