Care of Kancharapalem

C/o Kancharapalem

Everything about this film feels innocent. Be it the cast, the setting, the naive characters, or even its filmmaking grammar. It is a wholesome feeling of purity provided by an entire parade of factors. The camera points right at the characters, flat, with no conventional cinematic behaviour like push-ins or low angles. Poignant and philosophical lines are delivered without any background score for elevation. All these attributes contribute to that feeling and sentiment. The life-like performances of the non-actors are a treat to watch, there’s something so honest about them that contributes to the film’s idea of presenting an emotion at its purest. On this journey of capturing love among different age groups, Maha Venkatesh also plugs in running commentary (subtle and underlying) on how love transcends religion, class, caste, age, maturity and what not. If you think you’ve heard this already, you should hear it the way this film tells it. This film wins, and I am not even delivering a verdict here, but mentioning an actual feeling.


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